Consumer Solutions

How customers helped build Fortum Consumer Solutions’ benefit program

02 September 2021, 13:32 EEST

Two girls whispering and laughing

Fortum Consumer Solutions’ benefit program encourages our customers to do small climate actions, that contribute to making a cleaner tomorrow by rewarding completed actions with electricity hours. The customer program has been active for over a year, but where did it all start and what has been achieved so far?

Customers as the initiator of change

A few years ago we reached out to our customers to hear their ideas on how we could together help the environment and what kind of tips they would like to receive about sustainable everyday life. According to the results, our customers find the public debate around environmental issues challenging. Focusing on the big problems and their black and white solutions, such as not driving and flying, seemed unrealistic at an individual level.

Identifying how to make an impact in personal level seemed difficult in this context. This was the starting point of our customer benefit program: we wanted to help our customers to realize that even small actions can be meaningful and easy to incorporate to the everyday life. Our customers were closely involved throughout the journey in design, testing and implementation of the program, especially by increasing our understanding on what kind of actions they would like to participate.

The goal of the benefit program is to reduce carbon emissions as well as inspire and encourage people to do small things that help save natural resources. We want to challenge both ourselves and our customers to think actively about their own everyday choices. We also wanted to highlight that even small actions have an impact when performed by a large number of people.

Power of the group

There has been a lot of excitement among our customers about the program – Fortum's customers in Finland, Sweden and Norway have already completed more than 100,000 small eco-friendly actions! Some of our customers told us that they joined purely to earn electricity hours, but after participating to the program, got excited about the challenges. With the help of the program, many of our customers are now choosing more eco-friendly options in their everyday life, like maintained and repaired household items and reduced food waste. All challenges are designed to be easy and simple to implement.

Do you want to join?

As our customer, you can join the benefit program by logging into the My Fortum service. After joining, you will receive an email each month with a new challenge that adds to your earned electricity hours.

Of course, each of us can perform small climate friendly actions in our daily lives without a benefit programme. After all, all of our actions count and the more people are participating, the bigger is the impact on our planet.

Join the benefit program in Finland

Join the benefit program in Norway