Decommissioning case

Decom­mis­sioning of Otaniemi research reactor to be imple­mented using Finnish nuclear sector expertise
Loviisan jäteluola

Services for Nuclear Decommissioning

For more than 30 years, Fortum has been a forerunner in nuclear decommissioning and waste management. Our experience is based on combining the skills of service provider and an owner of nuclear power plant. We are in an active role in the Nordic decommissioning projects. Together with our partners, we cover the full value chain of a nuclear decommissioning project, including waste management and disposal related services. See our product offering below and read more of our expertise.

Nuclear Decom­mis­sioning expertise

Nuclear Decommissioning

Decommissioning Planning

Our decom­mis­sioning planning and engineering expertise covers holis­ti­cally the whole decom­mis­sioning process from shutdown of the facility to final disposal of the wastes. 

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Nuclear Decommissioning

Licensing and safety engineering in decom­mis­sioning

Licensing of decom­mis­sioning is the first part of a decom­mis­sioning project and it sets the guide­lines for the entire project. High quality prepa­ration ensures high quality imple­men­tation. 

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Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste

Decommissioning Execution and Waste Management

Waste management is an integrated part of a decommissioning project and is one of the main drivers in cost efficient decommissioning. 

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Nuclear Decommissioning

Radiation safety engineering in decom­mis­sioning

Ensuring radiation safety is a key aspect in safe and effective execution of nuclear decommissioning.

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Nuclear Decommissioning

Owner´s engineering in decom­mis­sioning

Fortum has over 40 years of nuclear operator and license holder experience from Nordic’s regulatory regime including licensing, planning and construction of new facil­ities such as storages and final repos­i­tories for nuclear wastes. 

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Decommissioning case

Nuclear Decommissioning

Case: Decomissioning of FiR 1

Decom­mis­sioning of Otaniemi research reactor to be imple­mented using Finnish nuclear sector expertise

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Nuclear Decom­mis­sioning products


NURES® – Liquid Waste Treatment

Customisable solutions for purification of radioactive liquid waste through use of highly selective ion exchange materials.

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Comprehensive decommissioning services

Fortum offers comprehensive decommissioning services which cover decommissioning planning, licensing, radiation safety engineering, waste management and execution of nuclear decommissioning projects. Our experience ranges from decommissioning of research reactors and laboratories to full scale nuclear power plants. We are capable to support you from an owner’s perspective.

Our nuclear decommissioning capability areas:

  • Pre-decommissioning activities
  • Licensing
  • Facility shutdown activities
  • Decommissioning planning and engineering, incl. Digital services for smooth decommissioning
  • Radiation safety
  • Project management, engineering, and support
  • Decommissioning execution
  • Waste management from waste processing, treatment and storing to final disposal expertise

Otso Manninen

Decommissioning and Disposal Services
Tel: +358 40 767 4168
otso [dot] manninen [at] fortum [dot] com

Nuclear power

We offer services for the whole life-cycle of nuclear power plants

More about Nuclear Services