Fortum operates globally, and our employees are citizens of many different countries. Consequently, our operations are subject to various national and international laws and regulations. As an industry leader, we go beyond simply obeying the law: we embrace the spirit of integrity and uphold the highest standards of ethical business conduct. We believe that there is a clear connection between the high ethical business practices set by our Code of Conduct and successful financial results.
Fortum’s Code of Conduct builds on various international agreements and initiatives and defines the principles of how we treat others, do business, and engage with the wider world.
Our values – curiosity, responsibility, integrity, and respect – shape our culture as a company and are the foundation of this Code. Fortum employees, members of our Board of Directors, and anyone representing Fortum is expected to conduct themselves according to this Code of Conduct. Additionally, Fortum expects companies affiliated with us to respect these principles.
Fortum has a separate Supplier Code of Conduct, and we require that our suppliers comply with it.