Human rights and supply chain
Wind power

Human rights and supply chains

Fortum follows and respects internationally recognised human rights that are included in key human rights treaties. Our operations have a direct or indirect impact on the realisation of the human rights of our own personnel, those working in the supply chain, and members of local communities.

We respect internationally recognised human rights

The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights are taken into account in our operations. Human rights due diligence is an ongoing process where risks and impacts are assessed continuously as part of various processes, such as country and supplier risk evaluation and in supply chain management. A human rights impact assessment is also part of our investment project planning.

We also support employees’ right to freedom of association and collective bargaining. All forms of child and forced labour are strictly prohibited and violate our Codes of Conduct.

Read more about human rights due diligence at Fortum and Fortum Modern Slavery Statement 2023.

We promote sustainability together

Our goal is to actively reduce the environmental impacts of our supply chain and improve both financial and social well-being. We expect our business partners to act responsibly and to comply with the requirements outlined in our Code of Conduct and Supplier Code of Conduct. We assess the performance of our business partners with supplier qualification and supplier audits.

Our Supplier Codes of Conduct outline the requirements for our suppliers and business partners. Our Code of Conduct is based on the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, which is divided into four sections: business principles, human rights, labour standards and environment.

We annually select suppliers for sustainability audits based on a risk assessment. If non-compliances are found, the supplier plans corrective actions, and we monitor their implementation. The most common non-compliances identified in the audits are related to occupational safety, overtime working hours and remuneration.

Fuel purchasing

In our power, heat and steam production, we use several fuels, like like uranium, coal, waste fuel, natural gas and biomass. The most significant fuel used in our power production is nuclear fuel.

Our supply chain's most significant environmental impacts are related mainly to fuels, particularly coal, natural gas, and biomasses. In fuel purchasing, special attention is paid to the origin of the fuel and responsible production. We are working towards further diversifying the fuel procurement sources to improve the security of supply.