Waste management contact information

Get in touch with our experts, they are here to help you find the best solution for your waste.

Interested in international waste treatment services ?

Please find the country contacts below and get in touch with our experts.

Contact by email

Italy, Ireland, United Kingdom, Germany & Switzerland

Jonny Engelbrecht


jonny [dot] engelbrecht [dot] nielsen [at] fortum [dot] com (jonny[dot]engelbrecht[dot]nielsen[at]fortum[dot]com)

Contact by email

Netherlands & Belgium

Pasi Ström


pasi [dot] strom [at] fortum [dot] com (pasi[dot]strom[at]fortum[dot]com)

Contact by email


Geir Ove Roed


geir [dot] ove [dot] roed [at] fortum [dot] com (geir[dot]ove[dot]roed[at]fortum[dot]com)

Contact by email

Other countries

Per Jansson


per [dot] e [dot] jansson [at] fortum [dot] com (per[dot]e[dot]jansson[at]fortum[dot]com)

Interested in waste management services in Finland, Sweden, Denmark or Norway?

Please visit the local web pages to read more and get in touch with our experts.