Capital Markets Day

In Fortum, the estab­lished practice is to arrange the CMD biennially.

New strategy launch 2023

In connection with the full-year 2022 results, Fortum published its new Group strategy, including its new business structure, on 2 March 2023. 

A combined news conference/webcast hosted by the President and CEO Markus Rauramo was arranged at Fortum HQ in Espoo.  Some 50 participants attended the event, which was followed by an informal lunch where the participants had a chance to discuss with Fortum Leadership Team members and IR representatives.


Strategy presentation material

Video of the news conference/webcastExternal link small

Capital Markets Day 2020

Fortum's Capital Markets Day 2020 was arranged as a webcast on 3 December 2020. The programme included presentations of Markus Rauramo, the President and CEO of Fortum, Andreas Schierenbeck, the CEO of Uniper and Timo Karttinen, the acting CFO of Fortum. The recording of the webcast and presentation materials are available below.

Reports and presentations

Fortum Capital Markets Day materials in archive

To the materials of the previous CMD's
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