Invoice us

We require electronic invoices from our suppliers. An electronic invoice ("e-invoice") needs to have the same contents as a paper invoice. It consists of invoice data fields in an XML file and invoice image, e.g. in a PDF file. An e-invoice can be received directly to our purchase invoice handling system in electronic format, which ensures a cost-efficient invoice handling process, accurate and timely payments for suppliers, and a smaller carbon footprint.

e-invoicing options, requirements and instructions

Our options for sending e-invoices to us
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Send e-invoices through an operator

You already have an agreement with an e-invoice operator. Ask your operator to route the e-invoices to us through the Basware e-invoice service (Basware's operator ID is BAWCFI22). Basware has agreements with several e-invoice operators: Basware Network Interoperability.

Integrated solution by Basware

If you send more than 500 invoices per month, then you can send the invoices directly from your invoicing system. It is possible with the help of Basware e-invoicing solution or any other e-invoice service provider. The same solution can be used for sending e-invoices to all other customers who can receive e-invoices.

Using XML or corresponding e-invoice file formats (e.g. TEAPPS, FINVOICE, SVEFAKTURA, OIO XML, PEPPOL BIS) provides the fastest way to build up connection straight from invoicing system by taking into account country-specific requirements.

e-invoices through Basware Portal

If you send less than 100 invoices annually, we provide you with the free solution to send e-invoices through a Basware Portal. The user-friendly Basware Portal is a good alternative for issuing, sending and following up on invoices.

Please send an email to e-invoices [at] fortum [dot] com (e-invoices[at]fortum[dot]com) and request access to Basware Portal for sending e-invoices. Fortum sends a Basware Portal registration link based on your request.

You can start sending e-invoices to our companies/units by registering in the Basware Portal.

Basware Portal user instruction

How to get started with e-invoicing
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Fortum companies want to ensure e-invoice quality. The following instruc­tions are for sending e-invoices with a service-providing partner (operator).

STEP 1. Contact your e-invoicing service provider

If you are already cooperating with an e-invoicing service provider, please get in touch with the service provider and ask them to ensure that they are connected to Basware. Basware Network Interoperability

STEP 2. Create a test invoice

Generate a test invoice according to the content requirements explained in the e-invoicing requirements. In order to automate invoice handling, it is important that you include on your test invoice all the fields that have been marked as mandatory. In both header and line level data, you should mention that the invoice is just for testing purposes by typing “TEST” somewhere in the invoice's free text fields. Add also text “TEST” to the invoice image if possible.

STEP 3. Submit the test invoice

Send the test invoice to your e-invoicing service provider, and request them to forward it to Basware. Basware’s Business Transactions service verifies and converts the invoice according to Fortum’s requirements and forwards it to Fortum. Right after you have sent the test invoice, please send an email with the below information to e-invoices [at] fortum [dot] com (e-invoices[at]fortum[dot]com).

The message should include the following information:

  • Delivery date and time of the invoice
  • The total amount of the invoice
  • Invoice number
  • Order number
  • Contract number
  • Reference person (email address if possible)
  • Name of the sender
  • Name of the recipient
  • e-Invoice address of the recipient

STEP 4. Receive the feedback

After reviewing the information about your first test e-invoice, we are ensuring that all required data required has been received for the automatic handling of the invoice. You will receive a confirmation by e-mail in 2-4 days.

STEP 5. Start sending e-invoices

Once the test invoices have been approved by us, you can start sending production invoices.

e-invoicing require­ments
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The table below shows the data fields which must be included in your e-invoices (in both XML data and invoice image).

Mandatory fields are marked with asterisk (*)

Supplier name * 
Supplier address * 
Supplier organization number *Organization number, Y-tunnus, Business ID
Supplier VAT registration number *VAT registration number
Supplier bank name * 
Supplier bank account number * 
Supplier e-invoicing address * 
Supplier e-mail address 
Our entity´s name * 
Our invoicing address *For Suppliers - Invoice us
Our delivery address 
Order number *Fortum Purchase Order number (often starting with MX or PX)
Fortum reference person´s email* 
Contract numberMandatory if we have provided Contract number
Delivery Note 
Invoice number * 
Invoice date * 
Invoice due date *According to payment term agreed in contract
Invoice cash discount due date 
Invoice amount including VAT * 
Invoice amount excluding VAT * 
VAT amount * 
Invoice cash discount amount 
Payment term 
Taxation information

For EU purchases, invoice should contain a statement of VAT compliance - reverse charge. For domestic purchases there has to be stated why the invoice is not subject to VAT.

As regards to work performed in Sweden, mandatory to provide the foreign supplier’s/company’s tax identification number (F-tax by the Swedish Tax Agency). If no number is provided, 30% preliminary tax on the invoiced related to the work is withheld. More information is found from here

Download the e-invoicing requirements here
e-invoice XML Standards
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Order number


Finvoice /Finvoice/InvoiceDetails/OrderIdentifier

Svefaktura /AdditionalDocumentReference/cac:ID[@identificationSchemeID="ORDER"]

OIOXML com:ReferencedOrder/com:BuyersOrderID

OIOUBL //cac:OrderReference/cbc:ID

EHF //cac:OrderReference /cbc:ID

Contract number


Finvoice /Finvoice/InvoiceDetails/AgreementIdentifier

OIOXML com:ReferencedOrder/com:SellersOrderID

OIOUBL //cac:ContractDocumentReference/cbc:ID

EHF //cac:ContractDocumentReference/cbc:ID

Reference person


Finvoice /Finvoice/BuyerContactPersonName

Svefaktura /Invoice/cac:BuyerParty/cac:Party/cac:Contact/cbc:Name

OIOXML com:BuyerParty/com:BuyerContact/com:Name

OIOUBL cac:AccountingCustomerParty/cac:Party/cac:Contact/cbc:Name

EHF //cac:AccountingCustomerParty/cac:Party/cac:Contact/cbc:Name

Delivery note




Finvoice /Finvoice/DeliveryDetails/DeliveryNoteIdentifier

Svefaktura /Invoice/cac:InvoiceLine/cac:DespatchLineReference/cac:DocumentReference/cac:ID

–OIOXML com:Note

Invoicing addresses for our companies

Our companies prefer e-invoices. Please ensure that you have an order number and/or buyer reference in your e-invoice data otherwise, we cannot accept your invoice. All attachments need to be sent with the invoice.

If you have any questions please contact our Financial and Operational Procurement Services

Contact by email

By email

e-invoices [at] fortum [dot] com (e-invoices[at]fortum[dot]com)

Contact by phone

By phone

+358 942 726 348