two people looking at glowing globe.

Collaborate to thrive

We – together with our customers and partners – are on the lookout for solutions for a world where people, businesses, and nature thrive together. We bring together companies, startups, and research, all striving to solve key challenges of our timer, by innovating and building a better tomorrow. Together, we can jointly discover groundbreaking inventions that work in practice and at the scale required.

Why Fortum Innovation?

Fortum is a reliable energy producer and the leading electricity service provider in the Nordics, with decades of experience on clean energy delivery. By 2050, the Nordic power demand could double as a result of the electrification and decarbonization of industries. Fortum Innovation combines this experience and comprehensive customer understanding with startups’ fresh, sometimes bold perspectives and ideas. We think merging Fortum’s expertise with the startups’ agility and way of thinking is an excellent way to generate new innovations for our customers

Climate and resources
What new technologies do we need to achieve carbon neutrality?

We need to untap potential and accelerate decarbonisation to mitigate global warming. Solutions must be invented, developed, and brought to market. Together, we innovate new business concept and practical improvements, and experiment with new technology solutions.

Low emissions
How can we make carbon neutral energy more flexible?

In this era, energy production is becoming more volatile while electricity consumption increases. Together with customers and partners, we can find balance and ensure that people and societies get the energy they need.

Solar charge
Are we doing enough to tackle biodiversity loss?

Industry and society of the future must be built in balance with nature. Together with customers and partners, we create innovative ways and novel solutions to manage biodiversity loss and degradation of ecosystems.

Success is not created alone

We believe we need to find areas where we can succeed together. Here's an example of how we innovate together with our customers and partners.

How to get involved

We collaborate with customers but also with international research institutions and external startups, while also constantly developing new businesses internally, in our own startups, and in Fortum’s innovation competitions. Fortum also invests in startups through international venture capital funds and direct investments. This gives us an understanding of what is happening globally in the field of energy and climate business, and technology. We are ready to seize promising opportunities for our customers, while we continuously follow the news from the startup sphere and support companies innovating for a thriving world.

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