Business ethics and compliance
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Business ethics and compliance

We believe there is a clear connection between high standards of ethical business practices and excellent financial results. As an industry leader, we obey the law, we embrace the spirit of integrity, and we uphold ethical business conduct wherever we operate.

Zero tolerance for corruption and bribery is highlighted in Fortum’s Code of Conduct and Supplier Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct online training is mandatory for all employees. In addition, relevant individuals are regularly trained in policies and systems that help to prevent corruption.

Internal and external reporting channels are offered for reporting suspicions of misconduct. The channels are described in the Code of Conduct and accessible on the company’s internal and external web pages.

Codes of Conduct set the basic requirements

The Fortum Code of Conduct establishes the basic principles of conduct that everyone must follow. They define how we treat each other, do business, and engage with the world. The Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the requirements for our suppliers and business partners.

Read more about Fortum's Supplier Code of Conduct

Our sustainability commitment

All Fortum commitments in the area of sustainability are disclosed in the Fortum Code of Conduct. Fortum is a partic­ipant of the UN Global Compact initiative and the UN Caring for Climate initiative. Fortum follows and respects the Inter­na­tional Bill of Human Rights, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the fundamental conven­tions of the Inter­na­tional Labour Organ­i­sation (ILO). Additionally, Fortum recog­nises in its opera­tions the Paris Agreement on climate change, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guide­lines for Multi­na­tional Enter­prises on Responsible Business Conduct, the Inter­na­tional Chamber of Commerce’s anti-bribery and anti-corruption guide­lines, and the Bettercoal initia­tive’s Code on respon­sible coal mining.


All our commitments in the area of sustainability are disclosed in the Code of Conduct

Our tax principles and governance

Even though our business is long-term, it is subject to multiple rapid changes; climate targets and our new strategic fit require material changes to operations and compliance with a wide range of new tax regulations. Therefore, predictability and certainty are of great importance for us also in taxation.

Read more about our tax principles and governance