Pjelax wind farm
Construction of Finland’s third largest wind farm, Pjelax, began in January 2022. The installation of the wind turbines was completed in early October 2023. The wind farm was commissioned in May 2024, producing 1.1 TWh of renewable electricity annually. Pjelax is being built in Närpiö and Kristiinankaupunki in Ostrobothnia.
The opening ceremony of Pjelax was celebrated on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, with the local community, stakeholders, and other partners.
Key numbers for Pjelax wind farm
56 wind turbines in total
380 MW electricity generation capacity
produce approximately 1.1 TWh of renewable energy annually
Finland’s third largest wind farm inaugurated in Pjelax
The Pjelax wind farm of 56 wind turbines, a joint project between Finnish energy companies Fortum and Helen, was inaugurated on Tuesday, 14 May 2024.
How was the success story of Pjelax wind farm created?
Construction of Pjelax, the third largest wind farm in Finland, started in early 2022 and after two years became fully operational.
Fortum’s Pjelax wind farm has produced the first kilowatt hour of electricity
The first kilowatt hour of energy was produced on 9th of October 2023. The wind farm has a total of 56 wind turbines with a height of 240 metres.
Have you kept up with wind power development?
Wind power has made tremendous strides in recent years. When we talk about wind power, many of us think of technology from 10 years ago – but today’s wind power is in a completely different league in terms of efficiency. Wind Power 2.0 is here: update your understanding of wind power to the present day!
Operational manager of the wind farm, Asset manager Kristian Hentelä, email: kristian.hentela (at) fortum.com