Industrial site development

Accelerating time-to-market for energy-intensive investments 

Fortum offers tailored industrial site development solutions in Finland, catering to global energy-intensive industrial developers and investors. With our strong commitment to driving industry decarbonisation, we offer support at the early phases of low carbon investments by providing sites matching your requirements. 

We specialise in early-phase industrial site development, providing scalable and customisable sites, and we can shorten your investment process by several years. Our strong connections to the transmission grid and co-operation with landowners and municipalities promote fast time-to-market.  

Are you:

Data center
Looking for

an ideal location for your hyperscale data centre project?

Involved in

green hydrogen or hydrogen derivate projects as an investor or a developer, either as a new business segment or as an expansion to existing business?

Active in

 battery industry based on  CO2-free energy? 

Why choose Finland?

  • Check Very competitive electricity prices
  • Check Access to abundant CO2-free energy 24/7
  • Check 94% of Finnish power production is CO2-free
  • Check Considerable wind and solar development pipeline, forecast by transmission operator Fingrid
  • Check World-leading grid reliability (99.99995%)
  • Check Large and scalable industrial sites available
  • Check Skilled workforce for demanding technologies
  • Check Societal support for new investments and easy-to-do business environment

Scalable industrial sites  for your green investment 

With our expertise, you can reduce time-to-market by several years.  

At the heart of our service is the provision of large, scalable industrial sites that match your requirements whether it is a ready-made zoning solution or one tailored to your specific needs. We ensure strong power grid connections to the transmission operator and/or local distributors.  

We bring extensive experience in stakeholder dialogue to the table, facilitating smooth communication and co-operation. We also facilitate dialogue with other key stakeholders such as civil servants, politicians, and others pivotal to your project's success.  

Furthermore, regulatory frameworks supporting the use of CO2-free electricity offer additional benefits for your investment.  

Data centre location to Finland - case Microsoft

Ground-breaking waste heat recycling from data centre 

Fortum and Microsoft are collaborating on an innovative project set to transform sustainability efforts in Finland's capital region.  

The starting point was the need to find alternatives to replace fossil fuels in Fortum’s district heating production to achieve carbon neutrality at group level by 2030. Waste heat from data centres running on CO2-free power was concluded as a potential solution, and the process to identify potential partners was initiated.   

The outcome is the collaboration with Microsoft, where the company is making the biggest ICT investment in Finland by building a datacenter region close to the capital area.  Finland is an ideal location for datacenters due to the cold climate and access to CO2-free power and a reliable power grid. 

The waste heat produced by the datacenters will be captured and used in Fortum's district heating , making this a truly win-win situation for all.  

This collaboration signifies a significant stride towards a more sustainable digital transformation and enabling large scale CO2-free district heating. 


Esa Suoninen

Senior Project Manager
Tel: +358504532070
esa [dot] suoninen [at] fortum [dot] com

Jyrki Holappa

Senior Project Manager
Tel: +358 50 453 2705
jyrki [dot] holappa [at] fortum [dot] com

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