Worker in Loviisa NPP turbine hall

Nuclear Services

Fortum has more than 40 years of experience in designing, licensing and operating nuclear facilities and supplying related services and technologies. Our expertise covers the whole life-cycle of nuclear power plants from new builds to decommissioning and final disposal of nuclear waste.

Worldwide access to nuclear excellence


Years of experience in designing, licensing and operation of NPPs


Experts working with nuclear


Countries where our expertise has been utilised

Our Nuclear Services expertise areas

Turbine maintenance

Nuclear Services

Nuclear Newbuild

We have expertise and proprietary technologies that help manage newbuild projects and reduce risks of project delays.

Loviisa NPP summer

Nuclear Services

Operating Nuclear Power Plants

We have more than 40 years of experience in operations and maintenance with record high availability.

Loviisa nuclear power plant screen

Nuclear Services

Process Simulation and Safety Analysis

Our key product for process simulation and safety analysis is Apros® - Advanced Process Simulation Software.

Nuclear waste management at Loviisa power plant

Nuclear Services

Nuclear and Radioactive Waste Management

We have innovative solutions for radioactive liquid purification and waste solidifications as well as a long hands-on experience in waste management.

People at work

Nuclear Services

Nuclear Decommissioning

For more than 30 years, Fortum has been a forerunner in nuclear decommissioning and waste management.

Loviisan jäteluola

Nuclear Services

Radioactive Waste Storage and Disposal

We have almost over 40 years of experience on designing and operating interim spent fuel storages and final disposal facility for low and intermediate-level radioactive waste.

Our Nuclear Services products include

Apros software in use at Fortum


Apros® – Advanced Process Simulation Software

Apros® Nuclear is a comprehensive, accurate and user-friendly tool for modelling and dynamic simulation of nuclear power plants.

Loviisa nuclear power plant screen


ADLAS® – Licencing and Safety Design

Fortum ADLAS® is a proven and efficient Systems Engineering approach to formulate Nuclear Plant requirements and a systematic configuration management method.



NURES® – Liquid Waste Treatment

Customisable solutions for purification of radioactive liquid waste through use of highly selective ion exchange materials.



BORES® – Liquid Waste Treatment

Customisable solutions for separation of boron from radioactive liquids.

Fortum LOKIT solidification plant


LOCKIT® – Nuclear Waste Solidification

Fortum’s waste solidification technology (LOCKIT®) enables cost effective solutions for low- and intermediate- level waste solidification.

Customer's perspective

As an owner and operator of nuclear facilities, we have the ability to look at the needs and solutions from the customer’s perspective. This saves our customers’ time and money as well as guarantees the high quality of the solutions delivered. Through our long-standing experience and performance track record, Fortum Nuclear Services has become known as a trustworthy and highly valued service provider and partner.

The average overall customer satisfaction index for Fortum’s expert services and products is rated “Best in class” by customers worldwide.

Unique customer value by innovations

We have a strong track record in nuclear innovation. Our proprietary technologies like NURES® for nuclide removal, Apros® for dynamic process simulation, ADLAS® for licensing and ReMaint® for maintenance optimisation, enable us to deliver unique customer value and benefits. Supported by the extensive network of our highly skilled partners, we can deliver our services around the world.


Loviisa NPP simulator

Online news

Fortum sup­ports the de­ve­lop­ment of Steady Ener­gy's district heating nuclear reactor with Apros mo­del­ling

MoU signing in Fortum's HQ, Espoo.

Online news

Fortum and KORAD to cooperate in the field of radioactive waste management

FiR1 reactor in distmantling phase

Online news

Fortum has successfully completed Finland's first nuclear reactor dismantling

Radiation safety at Loviisa power plant

Press release

Fortum and TVO to provide expert services for Poland’s nuclear power program