Our production plants use the waste to generate high-pressure steam, which we then lead into the joint steam network in the plant area for processing into electricity and district heating. The district heating that Fortum produces for the Riihimäki and Hyvinkää area is certified CO2-neutral Ekolämpö heating, which means that it does not release CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
Riihimäki production plant
The Riihimäki production plant provides district heating and electricity for residents and properties in Riihimäki and Hyvinkää. The power plant fuels the production process with industrial, commercial and community waste.
Waste to energy
Contact information
Fortum Waste Solutions Oy
Riihimäki production plant
Kuulojankatu 1
11120 Riihimäki, Finland
Tel: +358107551000
Operation manager
Juha Nykänen
Tel: +358 50 331 1168
juha [dot] nykanen [at] fortum [dot] com