Environmental approach within hydropower

Hydropower is renewable and produces very little emissions of greenhouse gases from a life cycle perspective. When hydropower was built it affected the local ecosystems in and around the rivers. At Fortum we actively implement projects aimed at mitigating this effect, whilst recognizing the importance of hydropower when combating climate change. Implementing the right action in the right place is crucial to achieve the desired outcome.


Hydropower is a clean and renewable energy source

Producing energy from hydroelectric power plants is a renewable and efficient way of producing energy. It produces very little emissions of greenhouse gases from a life cycle perspective and as such it is one of the most important energy forms that we have in the battle against climate change. Since there are no fuels in hydropower there is no waste and no emissions of harmful substances either.

In addition, hydropower gives the opportunity to store energy in the water reservoirs, which is crucial to meet the demands of the renewable power sources that cannot be regulated, such as wind and solar. When the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine we can use hydropower, and when we get energy from wind we can store hydropower. This means that the more hydropower we have the more wind power we can build.

Explore the Fishways at Spjutmo Power Plant

As part of our license obligations for the three hydropower plants along River Österdalälven, we’ve developed fishways enabling upstream and downstream migration for the unique Siljan trout and other fish species. Join us to learn how they work and peek inside the power plant!

We’re excited to invite you on a guided digital tour of the innovative fishways at Spjutmo Power Plant in Dalarna County, Sweden.

Hydro power 2 Construction of hydropower changed the nature of the watercourse
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The environ­mental impacts caused by hydropower production are always local and are well known. Hydropower production and regulation change the range and rhythm of the water level and the flow rate in water systems compared to their natural state. Some rivers have been affected for centuries, long before hydro­electric dams.

Hydropower plant dams are barriers for the migration of fish and other fauna, but on the other hand storage of water to the reser­voirs diver­sifies the recre­ational use of the water system. Regulation of the water system also has local positive effects. Regulation can effec­tively prevent flooding of the river. When designing new hydropower plants and renovating old ones, mitigating environ­mental impacts is always taken into account.

Key topics and targets Important to do the right measure for the desired effect
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We are actively involved in research and devel­opment projects aimed at reducing local environ­mental impacts. The expertise of munic­i­pal­ities, environ­mental author­ities and other local stake­holders in these projects is an essential part of cooper­ation. As a hydropower company, we have a duty to reduce the environ­mental impacts of our hydropower production.

Fish management requires water system specific solutions, and we strive to reduce the impact on fish stocks by fish stocking, restoring fish habitats, imple­menting trans­ports of fish to their spawning areas and building fishways. In addition to the power plant specific oblig­a­tions, we partic­ipate in voluntary environ­mental projects to reduce the environ­mental impact of hydropower production together with munic­i­pal­ities, local author­ities and research insti­tutes. We also fund a number of projects to explore the possi­bil­ities for enhancing biodi­versity.

The main goal of our environ­mental work is to determine the specific goal in every case and find the best measure to achieve this goal.

Collaboration partners Improving recreational use of water systems with hydropower
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We partic­ipate in many ways in environ­mental management and recre­ational use of rivers in cooper­ation with local residents, riverside munic­i­pal­ities, research insti­tutes and environ­mental author­ities. In cooper­ation we have for many years rehabil­i­tated waterways and improved the riverside landscaping. We are also constantly pursuing the devel­opment of water management so that it can better combine other water usage needs with the needs of hydropower production. We have enhanced the recre­ational use of water­courses by building boat sluices and recre­ational areas.

Renewable Upgrade of hydropower plants bring new renewable energy to the energy market
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Hydropower has a special position in the Nordic energy system due to its regulation charac­ter­istics. Therefore, existing hydropower plants should be used to produce CO2-free electricity as efficiently as possible.

The installed power of an old hydropower plant can be increased by improving the overall efficiency of the plant. The efficiency of the engine improves when the impeller design is modified, the generator losses are reduced and the turbine control systems are renewed.

With the upgrade and increase of the installed power, the hydropower plant produces more CO2-free electricity. Upgrades do not usually increase the existing environ­mental impacts of the hydropower plant. The renewal of equipment improves safety at work and the relia­bility of the plant, the oil amount at the plant is reduced as well as the risk of oil and grease spills, and also the risk of a fire at the plant. We invest 120 to 140 million euros annually for the renovation and power upgrading projects of our hydro­electric power plants in Finland and Sweden.

During the last ten years, we have upgraded our hydropower production capacity by over 72 megawatts through power upgrades. At the same time, the amount of CO2-free electricity increased by an average of 210 gigawatt hours. 

Low emissions

Environmental projects

At Fortum we actively implement environmental projects within hydropower.

Read more about environmental projects