Solar power – unlimited source of energy

Solar power is one of the keys to a clean energy future and plays a crucial role in the decarbonization of our societies. Every day, the sun gives off far more energy than we need to power everything on Earth. Fortum has excellent experience producing solar power. Also, in the Nordics, the conditions for solar power are promising. That is why we are developing solar plants also in our home market.


Solar panels produce electricity by transforming the continuous flow of energy from the sun to electricity.

Low emissions

No harmful emissions are released into the air when electricity is produced by solar panels.

Cost efficient
Low operating costs

The photovoltaic process that transforms sunlight into electricity doesn’t require any fuel and has no variable costs.

solar india

Our Nordic Solar and Wind Portfolio

CountryPower plantSolar/WindStatusFortum's share
SwedenAlvretSolarIn development100%
SwedenBorgvikWindIn development100%
FinlandBomossenSolarIn development100%
FinlandBredåsenWindIn development100%
SwedenIsgärdeSolarIn development100%
FinlandJepuaSolarIn develpment100%
FinlandKalaxWindIn operation20%
SwedenKalhyttanSolarIn development100%
SwedenKarlstad NorSolarIn development100 %
FinlandKatajamäkiWindIn development100%
SwedenKlinthögenWindIn development100%
FinlandKukkookallioSolarIn development100%
FinlandLamminevaWindIn development100%
FinlandLautamäkiWindIn development100%
FinlandMakilaSolarIn development100%
FinlandMarttilaSolarIn development100%
FinlandMolpeWindIn development100%
FinlandMurronväljäSolarIn development100%
FinlandMustikkamäkiWindIn development100%
FinlandNorrsarvlaxSolarIn development100%
NorwayNygårdsfjelletWindIn operation20%
FinlandOrimattilaSolarIn development100%
FinlandPjelax WindIn operation60%
FinlandPoikelWindIn development100%
FinlandPåvalsbySolarIn development100%
FinlandSannainenSolarIn development100%
SwedenSolbergWindIn operation20%
NorwaySørfjordWindIn operation20%
SwedenTrängsletSolarIn development 100%
FinlandVirolahtiSolarIn development100%
FinlandYilkeSolarIn development100%
NorwayÅnstadblåheiaWindIn operation20%


Limitless solar energy

The sun provides more than enough energy to meet the whole world’s energy needs, and unlike fossil fuels, it won’t run out anytime soon. As a renewable energy source, the only limitation of solar power is our ability to turn it into electricity efficiently and cost-effectively.

Solar energy - a clean source

No greenhouse gas emissions are released into the atmosphere when using solar panels to create electricity. And because the sun provides more energy than we’ll ever need, electricity from solar power is an essential energy source in the move to clean energy production.

No fuel to burn

After installing solar panels, operational costs are pretty low compared to other forms of power generation. Fuel isn’t required, which means that solar power can create large amounts of electricity without the uncertainty and expense of securing a fuel supply.

Solar power and the environment

As a renewable CO2-free power source, the environmental impact of solar power is significantly smaller than other power generation methods. The impact is mainly related to the production and supply of the special materials and metals that are required to produce solar panels. The location and the water used to clean the solar panels also affect the environment. We are working hard to find alternative ways to clean our solar panels.

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FAQ – Solar power

What is solar power?
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A power generation method that converts energy from the sun into electricity. It uses solar panels that are often arranged on a building or concentrated in solar farms to facilitate a reaction that converts the sun’s light radiation into electricity.

How do solar panels work?
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Photovoltaic cells in a solar panel turn sunlight into direct current electricity (DC). Then, an inverter converts the DC electricity into alternating current electricity (AC), and once this process has taken place, the electricity is used, fed into the grid or stored in a battery.

What potential does solar power have in the Nordics?
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In the Nordic region, we have really good conditions for solar power. In the summer, the sun shines here a majority of the hours of the day. The slightly cooler climate in the Nordics is also very beneficial for solar energy, as warmer temperatures reduce the efficiency of the solar cells.

Several large-scale solar power parks are currently being developed in the Nordic region. In 2022, Sweden entered the top 10 in terms of the largest markets for solar energy within the EU, while Denmark has eighth place on the same list. According to calculations from Solar Power Europe, electricity production from solar power will reach one gigawatt in Finland by 2025.

What are the advantages of solar power?
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The main advantage is that it is a renewable, clean source of electricity. Solar power is also scalable. This means that it can be deployed on an industrial scale, or it can be used to power a single household. When it’s used on a small scale, extra electricity can be stored in a battery or fed back into the electricity grid. Overall, the sun gives off far more energy than we’ll ever need. The only limitation is our ability to convert it to electricity in a cost-effective way.

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