Fortum’s position on the EU Multi-Annual Financial Framework 2028–2034

The upcoming Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) for 2028–2034 presents an essential opportunity for the EU to bolster its climate and energy objectives. As the EU aims to secure investments in clean and strategic technologies, Fortum advocates for MFF framework that promotes competition to truly encourage innovation and excellence without causing distortions within the EU market.

Our key recommendations for the upcoming MFF emphasise the need for a streamlined and simplified funding process to improve access and reduce bureaucracy. We advocate for technology-neutral funding to support diverse, impactful clean technologies while ensuring funds are allocated based on project excellence and innovation. To maintain fair competition, we urge alignment with State aid regulations, prioritising MFF funding over State Aid for EU competitiveness projects. The framework should also support large-scale decarbonisation projects, including later-stage clean technology deployments, and enhance the European Investment Bank’s role in providing long-term, risk-reduced loans and grants. Furthermore, we believe that by positioning public funding as a catalyst for private investment and addressing the unique needs of smaller Member States, the MFF can drive Europe’s sustainable energy transition effectively and equitably.

Check out our position paper, which offers recommendations for creating a strong and fair financial framework to speed up Europe’s shift to clean energy and achieve essential climate objectives.

Download the entire paper (pdf)

More information:

Sara Viitanen

EU Manager
Tel: +358 50 535 5591
sara [dot] viitanen [at] fortum [dot] com

Maarit Pihlajaniemi

Director, Grant Management
Tel: +358 40 715 4696
maarit [dot] pihlajaniemi [at] fortum [dot] com

Narimane Boulefred

Manager, Regulation Analysis
narimane [dot] boulefred [at] fortum [dot] com