Knut charges his car with Fortum – both at home and on the road

27 February 2017, 9:23 EET

Charge & Drive

Since becoming one of Norway’s 70 000 EV owners in May 2015, Knut Johansen has come to realise that the future of personal transport is electric.

“This is a move we all have to make, and it is great to see that more and more people are choosing electric cars. The comfort of an electric car is superior to that of a traditional car, and in 20 years’ time I don’t think there will be any fossil fuel cars around anymore”, says Knut.

When on the road, Knut charges his car at Fortum Charge & Drive’s extensive charging network for EVs, and he is also a Fortum customer at home. With his electricity deal "Ladebonus", all the electricity Knut uses at home gains him bonus charging minutes to spend at Fortum’s fast chargers.

Knut says that the dreaded “range anxiety”, the fear of running out of battery power while driving your EV, is not the problem he thought it might be before he bought his EV.

“This is partly thanks to the Fortum Charge & Drive network. There are more and more chargers appearing along the roads all the time. I’m glad to be part of this groundbreaking work as a customer of Fortum”, says Knut, who is currently considering trading his second car for an EV as well.​