We are Fortum.

Serving our customers with that Nordic energy – today and tomorrow.

Woman under a sky with Fortum's green aurora.

Po­wering a thriving world

By providing our customers and the Nordic energy system with a supply of reliable energy, we aim to power a world where people, businesses, and nature thrive together. With respect for the environment, decades of expertise in decarbonisation and smart solutions, we strive to meet our customers' needs.

We power your eve­ryday life

With our smart solutions, stability and advice, we provide value to over 2 million customers in increasingly electrified society. 

Your trusted energy partner in in­dust­ri­al elect­ri­fi­ca­tion

Our range of production assets, expertise in decarbonisation and electricity markets makes us a trusted and stable partner for industrial decarbonisation and industry electrification in the Nordics.

Un­loc­king the full po­ten­ti­al of Nordic energy

In shaping the future, we are committed to unlocking the full potential of Nordic clean energy to accelerate electrification across the Nordics.

Latest news and re­le­a­ses

Enabling our custo­mers elect­ri­fi­ca­tion in the Nordics and beyond


Nordics - a true collab­o­ration El Dorado for the decar­bon­i­sation of indus­tries

Energy-intensive indus­tries in the Nordics represent a signif­icant oppor­tunity for decar­bon­i­sation. Finland and Sweden are attracting clean, CO2-free indus­trial invest­ments to the Nordics. I urge all stake­holders, private and public, to partic­ipate in true collab­o­ration to make the clean transition a reality.


Po­wering Pro­gress: Nordic Excel­lence in Green Tran­si­tion Invest­ments

In a world where sustainability is no longer just a buzzword but a strategic imperative, the green transition, big data and artificial intelligence have emerged as a defining force shaping the future of business and energy. For business developers, engineers, and visionary investors eyeing a stake in a sustainable future, specifically Finland and Sweden stand out as compelling destinations.

Nature from bird view

High climate am­bi­tion laying ground for the EU’s compet­i­tiveness

The EU is faced with a triple challenge to solve: decar­bon­i­sation, compet­i­tiveness, and security of supply. In this post, drawing on insights from our recently published White Paper, I am discussing why the EU’s climate ambition is not only necessary but also founda­tional for addressing these challenges and securing a compet­itive, sustainable future.

Fortum in 2024

99 %

of power gener­ation was CO2-free




Comparable operating profit, EUR million

For­tum's Annual Review 2023

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